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Map: aerowalk
dirtbox -2 - 40 sane

comment by dirtbox
Strangely Blaze gave sane first pick going against the rules written on the website and then allowed all the specs in during the game after i specifically asked him to remove them making this map completely unplayable
comment by admin
I told you that there were no any seeded players in all NA divs. So you should just do /cmd rnd p1 p2 to decide who pick first map. Sane understood it, did rnd and he was randomly chosen.
As for nospec, you can just do /nospec in console. League admin is a regular spectator and can't do it for you.
Map: dm4
dirtbox 34 - 16 sane

comment by dirtbox
With the specs gone and the smoothness returned to the server this win was pathetically easy
Map: dm6
dirtbox 0 - 2 sane

comment by dirtbox
Sane got an RA/MH start with a free kill. I'm a realist... high ping versus that start is a waste of both of our time. Gave him w/o for this map. Interestingly sane refused to play me a fun game on equal pings for dm6 afterwrds.
comment by admin
You typed break right after first frag and autospawned 5 seconds after. Didn't bother to even try. BUT! according to current spawn model you had 58.3333% chance to get first RA. GL, RA and Tunnel spawns. Please do not blame anyone except you for it. As for ping, noone forced you to sign up for North America tourney.
Map: dm2
dirtbox 0 - 8 sane

comment by dirtbox
Like a true champion Sane got the first kill and then used a combination of hiding in tele and ra/mega
comment by admin
Overall nice games. Thanks for spectacular match. Good luck in feature matches.
[wb - Round 1 - Match 6]
submitted: 2012-10-11 02:12:16 by dirtbox
confirmed: 2012-10-11 02:39:07 by B1aze
#1 dirtbox 2012-10-05 06:07:26
I have emailed Greco today to organise this match.
#2 dirtbox 2012-10-05 06:22:53
Sane I mean, not Greco.
#3 dirtbox 2012-10-08 02:38:38
Emailed Sane again today to organise this match. Still no reply.
#4 sane 2012-10-11 02:51:07
poor dirtbox :D, better luck next time, and please do not sign up for anymore NA tournies, you whine a little 2 much
#5 dirtbox 2012-10-11 05:44:43
Sane - I'm so very sorry for trying to stick to the rules written clearly on the website. And forgive me for not having much faith in Blaze's map picking order decision making when last night in my div0 games against Fred he also then tried to change the picking order incorrectly on me from P1-P2-P1-P2 to P1-P2-P2-P1 which is clearly not the order. Oh and I will enter whatever fucking competition I like... fuck you very much.

Blaze - As for giving an WO on a map. This is very common. My opponent WO'd 2 out of 3 games against me last night after the map had started yet this didn't prompt the admin to give his opinion on it (i mean hell, you were there). Also as for kicking the specs out... admin can't do it? Correct me if I am wrong but we played on your server? Why do you think I asked you in the first place?
#6 rust0r 2012-10-20 21:37:33
Dirtbox, you're such a whiny bitch it's unbelievable.

It cute you thought you had a chance against sane
#7 dirtbox 2012-10-26 05:16:31
I'm happy to play him on equal pings any time. If you think I didnt have a chance, look at dm4. I was high ping and still raped? lol?

Fact of the matter is NA just make these 52ms rules to prevent EU players from competing on equal footing. Just like your lame tourney rusty. Who cares if you have to play with 80 or 90ms in NY? Hello Antilag. I'm not the one sooking there.
#8 rust0r 2012-11-18 23:32:38
I don't recall the NA side of the tournament being created to be fair playing field for EU players that choose to sign up in NA? Many players such as Rikoll sign up for the challenge of playing with 150ms and welcome playing on Texas/Kansas even when their opponents offer to move to a server where they will ping lower.

The same way you don't want to play with a high ping, players in NA tournaments don't want to either. You know what the difference is? It's an NA tournament you've signed up for.

I think they started the tournament with the goal of reviving some players and growing the North American scene, I'll see if B1aze is okay with doing another tournament in which 30 people will sign up and do whatever will make you happy, after all that is the point of these tournaments right? To please dirtbox at the expense of NA players enjoyment.

You continually forget you are signing up for NA tournaments and expect people to cater to your location.

All hail sane.
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