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bps vs Hagge
3 - 1
Map: dm2
bps 14 - 22 Hagge

Map: aerowalk
bps 43 - 22 Hagge

Map: ztndm3
bps 29 - 18 Hagge

Map: dm6
bps 25 - 23 Hagge

comment by bps
ggs Haggan!
Was fun to be back in the arena again, with some tense battles!
Made a really weird frag at dm2, highrl-platform-below that could be worth a watch.
GL next ;)
[wb - Round 2 - Match 7]
submitted: 2017-11-19 16:28:38 by bps
confirmed: 2017-11-19 16:33:30 by beginner
#1 Hagge 2017-11-19 17:03:16
GGS bps! Was leading both ztn (which went to overtime) and dm6 in the end. Could've cs and probably have won both of them, but bps was all about the bjud throughout all the maps, and the bjud has to be respected, so no lame cs even if the opportunity exists!

Going to watch that frag dm2 frag now! :)
#2 bps 2017-11-19 17:51:29
so that dm2 frag mentioned can be seen here:
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