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Map: aerowalk
john 4 - -3 MagnusG

comment by john
This game was quite simple tbh. I didn't feel at any point as if I might lose. I think I just have a lot more experience on aerowalk than Magnus.
Map: dm4
john 6 - 16 MagnusG

comment by john
Now here's a map on which I believe Magnus has more experience on than me!

Apologies to Magnus for initiating /break with 45 seconds to go. At the time I was tilting quite badly from the events that had unfolded and didn't want to look at dm4 for another second. Nevertheless this was a bad display of sportsmanship.

I hope you'll be around to play more Magnus, I think it would be great practice to play you even more on this map.
Map: ztndm3
john 7 - 2 MagnusG

comment by john
I got a seven frag lead in the early game with some lucky spawn frags in mid, and believed that it would be a walk in the park for the rest of the match from there on. Unfortunately, while hunting Magnus for more frags I completely forgot about mega, then RA, which Magnus dutifully took. After he converted his stack advantage into a frag I decided that I would be happy to CS for as long as it took to either get control back, or preserve my frag lead.

Good luck in the rest of the tournament Magnus, I'll be rooting for you! GGSWP
[wb - Round 1 - Match 4]
submitted: 2017-04-04 16:00:40 by john
confirmed: 2017-04-04 16:45:29 by 23y
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