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Getting stronger
[!phil - 2008-08-11 09:51:46]
The tourney is trucking along quite nicely. I have had to give out more than one mass-batch of W.O.s, mostly in the lower bracket, which is why I wanted a smaller amount of people in the first place. But it is all good, I guess it is worth to give out 9 w.o. as long as the tenth person does honestly want to play.

I was on vacation all last week so maybe the adminning has been slacking a bit. The iron fist W.O. will return however, so if you have scheduled an over-due game with someone let me know.

#1 rotten ( 2008-08-11 11:09:14
After my first game vs Reppie it tool ages till i got my second opponent. Then i got a mail and played vs fog. When he tried to report he told me that ruskie got w.o over me... i lost anyway but why did someone i didnt even have to play agsainst get w.o over me? :<
#2 !phil ( 2008-08-11 12:39:17
I donno dude but if somebody don't play and their name is not griffin, dag, or jesus christ, they will probably get W.O. :)

I hope you had fun in the tourney (actually you had to play ruskie in LB2, but i gave you w.o. because it seemed like ruskie did not want to play)
#3 VVD ( 2008-08-11 18:26:14
All fixed. :-]
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