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Map: DM6
fog 13 - 20 firelight

comment by fog
Damn I played really wrong and stupid, to much +forward without thinking :) WP
Map: DM6
fog 20 - 3 firelight

comment by fog
Think I controlled the RA-area almost the whole game, didn't bother about the mega, just shafted him out when he came close.. wp
Map: DM6
fog 19 - 5 firelight

comment by fog
Started out really bad for me, he got a lead pretty quick, but i managed to hurt him a bit so he had to retreat to RA, then I was able to get LG peacefully and get mega and GA and strike again. He more or less waited me out then since he had the fraglead, I tried to time my attacks to GA-area pretty well and I managed to get the lead, then it was him trying to hunt me again. Well played, and GGS
comment by admin
wp both
[lb - Round 2 - Match 5]
submitted: 2008-07-30 13:10:34 by fog
confirmed: 2008-07-30 13:14:47 by !phil
#1 bps 2008-07-30 16:44:07
gj foggen!
#2 firelight 2008-07-31 00:48:21
ggs, gl in next matches
#3 fog 2008-08-13 13:21:46
Thx guys :)
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