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3 - 0
Map: bravado
Macisum 48 - 10 LuGia

comment by Macisum
Felt alright for me, got a good lead from the start so didn't really feel much pressure. Think I have played bravado many more games than Lugia
Map: catalyst
Macisum 36 - 15 LuGia

comment by Macisum
This was much closer than the score implies, there were many tight fights where I ended up winning with low hp. Lugias shaft was a pain in the ass on this map so I had to find ways to work around it, which worked out in the end. WP to lugia!
Map: aerowalk
Macisum 44 - 7 LuGia

comment by Macisum
Went pretty much as expected, much like bravado I think it just came down to experience, once again lugias shaft proved impressive though!

GGS and gl in LB to Lugia, wp!
[wb - Round 2 - Match 2]
submitted: 2020-04-06 15:45:26 by Macisum
confirmed: 2020-04-06 16:46:10 by gLAd
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