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Map: aerowalk
BLooD_DoG 5 - 41 sd_andeh

comment by sd_andeh
My pick, BD didn't play to his full potential due to a bunch of people disturbing him
Map: ztndm3
BLooD_DoG 15 - 13 sd_andeh

comment by sd_andeh
BD's pick! By now the annoying dudes had been removed and this game was a thriller, very close. I could probably have won if I didn't get super stressed and missed every shot during the chase :D
Map: dm4
BLooD_DoG 12 - 20 sd_andeh

comment by sd_andeh
My pick, this felt easy enough to the point where I almost threw it away... Some good spawns for BD that got it very close, I should not have underestimated him here
Map: dm2
BLooD_DoG 4 - 1 sd_andeh

comment by sd_andeh
His pick and another thriller. This one went back and forth but we were at a tied score for more than 9 minutes in this game. Nice attacks from BD won him the game, gg!!
Map: dm6
BLooD_DoG 7 - 26 sd_andeh

comment by sd_andeh
dm6 decider. Bleh, not much to say about this map. He got the better spawn, but the first fight turned out to be a frag trade and I got the better spawn after that. I kept RA secure until he made a good attack - after which I spawned RA right away and killed him with a boomstick shot. Frustrating game for BD... dm6 usually is.

GGs mate, was fun!
[wb - Round 1 - Match 2]
submitted: 2015-10-18 12:03:21 by sd_andeh
confirmed: 2015-10-18 13:14:11 by VVD
#1 feffe 2015-10-18 15:44:25
andeh! <3
#2 BLooD_DoG 2015-10-19 09:46:14
These were great games, thanks Andeh! The aerowalk was a shame as during the first countdown, 3 out of town guests came in to the apartment. I break'ed, told them to stfu, and restarted, but they ignored me and I was basically distracted all game. After that I spent a few minutes kicking everyone out (qw is more important than visiting family), and the next 4 maps were all really close and fun.

Ztn was a nailbiter with a very scary chase at the end, dm4 I got to within 1 frag with a couple of minutes left and then dropped the ball, dm2 was tense all the way through with many battles that got us both to very low health (and mutually retreated many times), and dm6 was...dm6! Some unfortunate moments but that's how the game works. After the BO5 I asked for another aero for fun (so that I wouldn't be frustrated at giving a free map win), that one was much closer but Andeh won it anyway :)

Anyway, again it was a fun match, congrats and good luck in the rest of the tourney! My calculations show a 63% chance of the two of us meeting in the grand finals.
#3 sd_andeh 2015-10-21 16:23:30
Those odds sound about right
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